Custom fabricated 24" high velocity combination air eliminator / dirt separator for the hot water system and custom fabricated 30" high velocity air / dirt for chilled water.  When installed in 2005, the 30" was the largest combination unit ever built.  That has since been surpassed with 36" combination units installed at Penn State University and The University of Missouri.

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University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
With close to one hundred Spirovents installed, The University of Nebraska at Lincoln is one of our largest higher-ed customers.
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Spirovent® is now the basis of design in many specifications by the top consulting engineering firms for new construction.
Boehringer Ingelheim - St. Joseph, MO
Custom 20" high velocity dirt and sediment separator with removable top head for access to Spirotube® element bundle.
North Mississippi Medical Center - Tupelo, MS
High velocity 18" combination air eliminator and dirt separator.